4th Ward
4th WardThe 4th Ward neighborhood includes Franklin Street, Jefferson Street, Mill Street, Pratt Street, Sandland Place, Stone Street Granite Street, Fuller Street, Madison Street, Bridge Street, Quarry Street, Blagg Street, Mantin Street, Mantin Street, Dublin Street, Doolittle Alley, and several others, and the Imblia Street School, and much of the Meriden Branch New York and New England Rail Road.
It is roughly triangulated by the intersection of South Main Street and East Main Street, following South Main Street southward to roughly Madison Street, and following East Main Street south-eastward to the intersection of the Silver Street Expressway, and roughly triangulating back to Madison Street. The 4th Ward, as a neighborhood, can be described as extinct. It was a larger and grander geographic area than any of the neighborhoods which were begat of it. Originally it was largely a municipal district, defined for the purposes of property tax rolls and census delineation. |