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Festa di San Donato, "Ponte Feast" Continues Today, Tomorrow8/5/17
Since 1985, the Pontelandolfo Community Club has been hosting its Festa di San Donato, colloquially known as "the Ponte Feast". This year, the feasting and the festival continue with carnival rides, Italian food, music, dance, cheese rolling, grease pole climbing, fireworks, and more. This is the City's largest cultural festival, except the Gathering, which is to be held in a few weeks. "The Ponte Feast" co-existed with "the Italian festival" of Waterbury, held at the adjacent Lakewood Park, for 8 years. That festival dwarfed the current Gathering, amassing, according to the Waterbury Republican American, 1.2 million people per day. The two festivals nearly collided when the Pontelandolfo Community Club arranged for their festival to be held during the same weekend as "the Italian festival". After much to do, "the Italian feast" thenceforth followed the Festa di San Donato by two weeks. "The Ponte Feast" benefited by the venue transfer of "the Italian feast" from Lakewood Park to Hamilton Park in 1994, and later to Lake Quassapaug in Middlebury, by attracting the festival-goers who typically only attend one of the feasts. Still a great success, the Festa di San Donato has been dwindling in numbers year after year. |
Pontelandolfo & Pontelandolfesi Facebook Page - External Link
Pontelandolfo Community Club, Waterbury, CT - External Link
Pontelandolfo Community Club, Waterbury, CT - External Link
Club Event to Benefit Holy Land USA
Sunday, August 25th, 2013, Mayor Neil O'Leary and long-time friend Fritz Blasius, will host a fundraiser aimed at raising money to benefit their investment in long-cherished Holy Land USA. Tickets are a minimum of $25 per person. The event starts at noon and ends at 5:00 p.m.