Adopt-a-Spots - More than 60 Adopt-a-Spots in Waterbury
Books - More than 100 books have been written about Waterbury
Business Directory - A list of 6,317 of Waterbury's current businesses.
Businesses - More than 173 early Waterbury businesses.
Calendars - a list of Waterbury calendars and links to other organization calendars
Cemeteries - There are more than 30 cemeteries in Waterbury, and 24 historic people are burried in one of them.
Churches and Houses of Worship - This is a listing of Waterbury churches, synagogues, tabernacles, and other related places of worship and religious activities - more than 130 of them!
Cultural, Ethnic, and Sports clubs, Lodges, Societies, and Associations
Government - a partial list of Waterbury, state, and federal agencies and departments
Historic and Noteworthy Places - There are more than 100 historic places in Waterbury, and over two dozen of them are listed on the National Registry of Historic Places.
Calendars - neighborhood association meetings and events in Waterbury
List - A complete list of 118 of Waterbury neighborhoods, current and past.
Organizations - Waterbury neighborhood associations, clubs, political action committees, citizens' patrols, and service organizations
Parks - A list of Waterbury 52 parks, parklets, recreation centers, and playgrounds
People - There are over 400 historically significant, culturally important, artistically renowned, and economically influential people of Waterbury, past and present.
Architects - There are at least four renowned architects who were born in Waterbury, and one of them was called "the only other honest architect in America" by world-renowned architects Frank Lloyd Wright, and "Architect of the Year" by the New York Times.
Athletes - Professional Athletes who were born in Waterbury
Authors - There are at least 78 published authors who were born in Waterbury
Mayors and Chiefs - Waterbury Mayors, Police Chiers, Fire Chiefs, and honorable Mayors for the Day
Six Servants Serving Sentences - This is a partial list of some of the Waterburyians who served the City - all via public election, and who were served - legal papers which charged them with various serious crimes, and who served time - in jail or prison - for their crimes.
Philanthropy - a partial list of worthy Waterbury philanthropic, non-profit, not-for-profit, and volunteer organizations, including many 501(c)3 and 501(c)4 organizations
Polution - At least 30 spills, 20 poluters, 19 brownfields, and more than 100 City-demolished buildings in Waterbury.
Streets - All 1,540 streets of Waterbury are listed here.
Water - All about Waterbury Water: 59 bodies of water within the city, 15 dams, and 9 city-owned reservoirs outside of greater Waterbury.... plus: When, Why, Where: Waterbury Wins Water Wars With Washington.
Natural and Fire DisastersSummerless Year = 1815 - blamed on a massive volcanic eruption in Asia, Waterbury had absolutely no summer, and the snow season only paused briefly from July through October.
Blizzard of 1888 - the worst ever recorded storm in Waterbury history (at that time); 1888 Fire of 1902 - destroying almost everything in the downtown district, February 2nd and 3rd, 1902 Waterbury Burns; CTHumanities Project Flood of 1955 - destroying most of the homes and other buildings along the Naugatuck River, August 18th through August 19th, 1955 Blizzard of 1978 - closing the Epicenter of the Universe and many foreign towns throughout Connecticut, February 6th, 1978. 24 to 40 inches of snow, 70 to 92 mile-per-hour winds. Blizard of 2013 - one of the worst storms in Connecticut history, yet still a dwarf compared to the blizzard of '78; 2013 Museums
Waterbury Motion Picture Sound Inventor Bristol Not Found in NewspapersWaterbury-born William Henry Bristol, famed inventor, is not to be found in the old newspapers of the height of his career. Bristol invented the Bristolphone, which synced motion pictures to sound - back in a day when motion pictures were still silent. Bristol also produced at least 1 "silver screen" motion picture - right here in Waterbury. Bristol was an early inductee of the Waterbury Hall of Fame. Yet, periodical records of him seem not to exist. For more information, visit People. Movies About Waterbury
IMDb Connecticut Governors Born in WaterburyJohn Grosvenor Rowland |
The 9 United States Presidents
Who Visited Waterbury
Well-Known Artists Who Were Born in Waterbury
Famous Bands That Performed in Waterbury
Many famous bands have performed in Waterbury, including:
Most of the above performed at The Palace Theater. The Palace Theater is a 2,900-seat auditorium located at 100 East Main Street in the Centre District's Downtown Neighborhood. It was opened in 1922 and is registered as a National Historic treasure. Many others performed at Library Park, in the Cetnre Duistrict's Downtown Neighborhood. Many of these performances were a brainchild of the community and Downtown advocate Main Street Waterbury. |
Accomplished Muscicians Who Were Born in Waterbury