Brooklyn Neighborhood Association
Although this, and many other neighborhood associations and neighborhood community clubs have existed in this city for, in some cases, over 100 years, and although none of them have ever been neighborhood housing associations, they have been erroneously listed as such on the official City of Waterbury website as such. To be clear, neighborhood housing associations are very much different from condo associations, and both of those are very different from organizations such as Neighborhood Housing Services of Waterbury (NHSW) and Loyola Development Corporation, and all of those are vastly different from any of Waterbury's neighborhood associations and neighborhood community clubs. The function, purpose, and manifestation of each of these types of organizations is significantly different, and none should be confused with the other.
A typical neighborhood association and a typical (neighborhood) community club have most or all of the below-listed components. Likewise, several of the neighborhood association and community club pages herein include much of this information.
Brooklyn Neighborhood Association MeetingsThe Brookly Neighborhood Association meets monthly on the 2nd Thursday of the month at the Saint Josephs' Parish Center @ 7:00 p.m.
Brooklyn Neighborhood Association Contact DataBrooklyn Neighborhood Association
Jerry Covino - Pres. 32 Lawrence St. 06708 (203) 754-9207 (203) 578-0353 cell [data per as of 2024.03.02] |