The Historic Burnt Hill Neighborhood
Burnt Hill News ArchiveNorth End District
Burnt Hill Neighborhood Body found in pond at Fulton Park in Waterbury WFSB; article; 2024.03.28 North End District
Burnt Hill Neighborhood 1 dead after crash and vehicle fire nbcconnecticut; article; 20230902 Note: this weblink connects to a webpage that may have excessive, irrelevant, and annoying advertising North End District
Burnt Hill Neighborhood Jose Cintron arrested on murder, weapons charges; picture, article; 20230421 North End District
Burnt Hill Neighborhood Platt Street Man Faces Charges for Assaulting Father, Who Later Died video, article; 2023.04.14 North End District
Burnt Hill Neighborhood Police ID 37-Year-Old Man Found Shot Dead In Empty Apartment @ Hill Street near Lannen Street; article; 20230322 Did Anyone From Burn Hill Ever Become Famous?James F. "Jimmy" Burns was born on Burnt Hill, and he later became a very prominent and well-liked "Athlete, National Guardsman, Hotel Proprietor, Prince of Good Fellows", and member of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. He was well-liked across Waterbury, and, in particular, Burnt Hill, East End, and Waterville. Joseph William Rossi, better known as "Joe Dundee", "Karate Joe", or "Grand Master Joe" may also have been born in the Hill Street section of the Burnt Hill neighborhood of the North End District of Waterbury. For more information, go to Self Defense - Joseph William Rossi. The Waterbury Democrat December 16, 1937 Chronicling America Library of Congress ( Overlook Hosts Warmest Event of the Year at Burnt Hill's Fulton ParkThe Historic Overlook Community Club is hosting "the warmest event of the year" at the Fulton Park Warming Hut on Burnt Hill. "Hot soup, blazing fireplace and warm conversation" is promised on their Soup Night, Saturday, February 24th, 2018 at 6:00 P.M. Participants are asked to bring homemade signature soup in a crock pot, bread, dessert, or a bottle of wine. Donations of $5.00 per person are requested.
Cleanup ScheduledWATERBURY: BURNT HILL: The bi-annual Fulton Park cleanup will take place on October 20th, 2013, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Cool to Plan BWATERBURY: With the recent destruction of the swimming pool at Fulton Park, the excessive bacteria at Lakewood Park beach, a fire at Hamilton Park, and other problems, the City kicked into high gear its plan B (not that there really ever was a plan B). The indoor swimming pools at 4 of the City's schools have been opened to the public from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m to help ease the impact of post-heat-wave heat. To boot, Hop Brook Lake, at Hop Brook State Park, is also closed as a health precaution, leaving the City's nearest (and adjacent) State facility helpless to alleviate Waterbury's scarcity of swimming holes.
UPDATE: Fulton Park swimming pool has been repaired and is now open. Archived Events