Protect Your Assets: Free Seminar
The Town Plot Neighborhood Association will hold its monthly meeting on Tuesday September 2nd at 7:00 p.m. at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church Hall, 785 Highland Ave., Waterbury. This month’s keynote speaker will be Tim Angiolini, Agent/Owner of a State Farm agency in Watertown. Mr. Angiolini will discuss how young families can leverage a tight budget into asset protection, reduce insurance costs without increasing risk exposure, get the most from their financial and insurance professionals, adequately plan for education and retirement, and much more. Tim has been helping individuals, families, and businesses locally for several years, and holds multiple licenses Community Police Officer Christopher Gagnon will provide his monthly report, and also address questions related to safety. The Town Plot Neighborhood Association encourages all residents to attend and participate. Town Plot Neighborhood Association Meeting
The Town Plot Neighborhood Association will hold its monthly meeting on Tuesday September 2nd at 7:00 p.m. at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church Hall, 785 Highland Ave., Waterbury. This month’s keynote speaker will be Tim Angiolini, Agent/Owner of a State Farm agency in Watertown. Mr. Angiolini will discuss how young families can leverage a tight budget into asset protection, reduce insurance costs without increasing risk exposure, get the most from their financial and insurance professionals, adequately plan for education and retirement, and much more. Tim has been helping individuals, families, and businesses locally for several years, and holds multiple licenses Community Police Officer Christopher Gagnon will provide his monthly report, and also address questions related to safety. The Town Plot Neighborhood Association encourages all residents to attend and participate. ABOVE: A glimpse of the Town Plot Neighborhood Association 2014 Annual Picnic and Concert.
Town Plot Neighborhood Association
Free Picnic and Concert The Town Plot Neighborhood Association's annual Free Picnic and Concert will be held on Sunday, August 10, 2014, 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at Town Plot Park. This year's event will include The Waterbury Fire Department's 'Smoke House' that will give presentations on fire safety in and around the home for children and adults. All children will receive a gift for their visit to the "Smoke House." The 3D Band will perform from 1:30 to 3:30 and Tony The Magic Man will entertain the children during the same time period. Starting at 4:00 p.m. through 6:00 p.m. Band Leader Dave Gardino will lead The Andy Nichols Orchestra Big Band Sound in honor of long time leader Andy Sepe who passed away last year. "SPARKLES The Clown" will do face and arm painting and balloon sculptures along with clown fun from 4:30 to 5:30. Hot dogs, chips and soft drinks are free. All attendees should bring their lawn chairs. Although the picnic is free to everyone, all Town Plot residents and their families are asked to attend so they may meet their neighbors. Rain date is August 17. There will be a membership table for Town Plot residents to join The Town Plot Neighborhood Association or pay outstanding dues. First Ever Multi-Organizational Drive:
Boasts a Dozen Non-Profit Groups Town Plot Neighborhood Association is hosting a Multi-Organizational Membership and Charity Drive at Kennedy High School, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., on Saturday, February 22nd, 2014. Participating organizations include: Town Plot Neighborhood Association, Town Plot Sports Association, Waterbury Sons and Daughters of Italy, Apex International Education Partners, Eagle Flyer, Ciochetti Foundation, Brass City Harvest, Liberty-Continental Lodge, Harmony Lodge, Doric Chapter Order of DeMolay, Girl's Inc., food drive, and many others. Learn more about how these organizations benefit you and the Town Plot community when you attend one event this coming Saturday, at Kennedy High School, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Learn about what the neighborhood association does, how you benefit, and how you can participate. Involve and enroll your kids in sporting activities. Know what to look for to prevent crime, and take part in patrolling your area. Find out how student exchange programs don't always mean that you have to have a child who is s student. Donate clothing and food for the truly needy in our community. Learn more about nutrition for our elderly, how essential it is, and what you can do to ensure healthy diet and cooking habits. Multi-Organizational Member and Charity DriveTOWN PLOT, WATERBURY: As non-profit, not-for-profit, charity, and religious membership organizations abound successfully throughout Greater Waterbury, each is constantly challenged to maintain and increase awareness, membership, and participation. With that in mind, the Town Plot Neighborhood Association is hosting a Multi-Organizational Membership and Charity Drive at Kennedy High School, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., on Saturday, February 22nd, 2014.
Some of the participating organizations include: Town Plot Neighborhood Association, Town Plot Sports Association, Liberty-Continental Lodge, Town Plot Citizens Patrol, Eagle Flyer (Kennedy High School newsletter bake sale), Harmony Lodge, Doric Chapter Order of DeMolay, the Ciochetti Foundation (Clothing drive for new children's winter coats, gloves, and scarves), Girl's Inc., Apex International Education Partners, Waterbury Sons and Daughters of Italy, Children's Dyslexia Center of Connecticut, and many others. Learn more about how these organizations benefit you and the Town Plot community. |
Town Plot Hill Meets
The monthly meeting of the Town Plot Neighborhood Association is scheduled for February 13th, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. It will be held at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church Hall, located at 785 Highland Avenue. Guest speaker Michael Tierney, Librarian III, will be sharing valuable information on how to become a library cardholder. Additionally, Joseph McGrath will provide updates on city projects, while Community Officer Lt. Mike Stokes and Officer Mike DiGiovancarlo will discuss neighborhood activity developments. Refreshments, including coffee, will be available for attendees. For further information, contact the Town Plot Neighborhood Association President and City Alder Maria Grace Covallo. Town Plot Neighborhood Association Contact DataTown Plot Neighborhood Association
Alderwoman Maria Grace Cavallo, from 2016 to date Note and DisclosureAlthough this, and many other neighborhood associations and neighborhood community clubs have existed in this city for, in some cases, over 100 years, and although none of them have ever been neighborhood housing associations, they have been erroneously listed as such on the official City of Waterbury website as such. To be clear, neighborhood housing associations are very much different from condo associations, and both of those are very different from organizations such as Neighborhood Housing Services of Waterbury (NHSW) and Loyola Development Corporation, and all of those are vastly different from any of Waterbury's neighborhood associations and neighborhood community clubs. The function, purpose, and manifestation of each of these types of organizations is significantly different, and none should be confused with the other.
Event Attendance Log2015
May ..................... 33 April ................... 33 March ................. 36 February ............. 33 January .............. 39 2014 Christmas Party 35 November ........... 41 October .............. 43 September .......... 49 August picnic .... 310 July (vacation) June .................... 49 May ..................... 48 April ................... 46 March ................. 44 February ............ 38 January ............. 44 2013 Christmas Party 29 November .......... 28 October .............. 86 September ......... 79 August picnic ... 214 July (vacation) June ................... 85 May .................... 79 |
The Leadership
President: Vincent E. Martinelli Secretary: Dawn Scott Treasurer: Jack Martins Sergeant-at-Arms: Ed Senk Membership: Maria Grazia Cavallo Association Requests Camera InstallationThe Town Plot Neighborhood Association officially asked the City of Waterbury Board of Parks Commissioner to install and safeguard a surveillance camera system at Town Plot Park.
The installation of the cameras will mainly serve the purpose of detracting people from committing vandalism and theft of public property. As a benefit, if a crime takes place within the park, the video of the crime may lead to assailant arrest. Several limitations constrain the ability of current technology from being more useful and efficient. According to Town Plot Neighborhood President Vincent E. Martinelli, wired cameras only require a service wire, and not a separate electrical wire. This works well where connected wires are feasible. Wireless cameras can be installed more readily, and in a wider variety of locations, except that each camera needs to be powered. This means that separate electrical service would be needed for each camera, or each camera would need to have its own internal power source. Such cameras could have battery systems, or solar systems, or a combination. Self-powered cameras become cost-prohibitive. Either camera system can include a recording device, live connectivity to the internet, and flashdrive expansion and portability. However, connection to the internet requires a separate router, and service to the internet requires a monthly fee. Both wired cameras and wireless cameras have distant constraints. Wired cameras typically come equiped with 60-foot cables, which can be reasonably expanded to 100 feet, or as much as 200 feet, without increasing the expense beyond reasonability. Also, either system would need a monitor on-site in order to view live or recorded footage. To be practical, surveillance systems installed in public parks would need to have night vision. Lower-end systems typically have mono-chrome capacity of upto 85 feet, and more expensive systems can include full-color in day or night light, higher resolution, and coverage over greater distance. These and other considerations make it difficult for neighborhood associations to self-fund an adequate surveillance camera system, according to Martinelli. As of yet, there is no City funding for such endeavors on a wide scale. Fulton Park is a primary exception. |
November Town Plot Neighborhood Association MeetingThe Town Plot Neighborhood Association held its monthly meeting on Tuesday, November 19th at 7:00 p.m. in Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church hall, 785 Highland Avenue. Normally, all member meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month.
November's meeting featured a discussion and explanation of the newly enacted Affordable Health Care Act. Jim O'Brien, President of American Association of Retired Persons Connecticut Advisory Council, and Kathy Null, American Association of Retired Persons Connecticut Advocacy Volunteer, were on hand for the presentation, and answered audience questions. Each attendee also received handouts which included a copy of the Power Point presentation which explained the Affordable Health Care Act. Members of the Association and other Town Plot residents attended this important informational meeting concerning the changes in health care. Community Officer Chris Gagnon gave his monthly report, and offered some safety tips specific to Town Plot and the shopping season. New members joined the Association that evening. Refreshments were provided. |
September 2013 Meeting on Video! Click here!
--- PRESS RELEASE --- The next Town Plot Neighborhood Association Monthly Member Meeting will take place at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church hall on Tuesday, September 10th, 2013, from 7:00 to 8:45 pm. The Keynote speaker is Mayor O'Leary.
Mayor O'Leary was the scheduled guest speaker for the May meeting, but, despite confirming with the Town Plot Neighborhood Association 4 times, he canceled 4 days prior to the meeting so that he could attend a conference in Atlanta, which began the following day, and which he had booked in February. Guest and Keynote speakers are encouraged to read and required to abide by the Policy listed at the bottom of this page. 20130613 Schedule>Membership Meeting:
Tuesday, September 10th Unless otherwise specified, all meetings are held at the Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church Hall, 785 Highland Avenue, on Tuesdays, at 7:00 p.m. 20130613 Contact InformationTown Plot is in the Black Hard work and a cooperative administration have resulted in the improvement of several key public works projects in Town Plot. Finally, after many years of neglect, the sidewalks on all of Town Plot's Washington Street have been repaired. The temporary repair was done using asphalt, which is inappropriate and inferior to concrete. All but a stretch of a thousand feet or so was previously done using concrete, but the City cited funding as their primary reason for the temporary fix.
Similarly, Acra Road, Blake Street, Lawlor Street, Sullivan Street, Sunny Side Avenue, and others were newly resurfaced. This comes at the heals of the City's commitment to Town Plot Neighborhood Association Public Works Committee Chair Ralph D'Angelo that over $144,000 has been set aside to correct drainage and runoff problems on Wesley Street. The work is about 50% complete overall. Concurrently, the City has cleaned up and made minor improvements to many of the City's parks, including Town Plot's Chase Park and Town Plot Park. Submitted by Vincent E. Martinelli, President, Town Plot Neighborhood Association Waterbury Neighborhood Council CommitteeChaired by Elaine Dense
·The Gathering (report pending) ·Front Porch (report pending) ·Chili Fest – June 23rd, 12:00 – 4:00 p.m. – Waterville Historic Firehouse; Tickets are $5.00, Vendor entrance fee is $20 (must be licensed) for a 10’ x 10’ booth; Volunteers are needed – please help represent Town Plot by volunteering ·Confections – September 23rd (tentative) – Palace Theater; Food and Wine, tickets are $25 ·Awards Dinner – Thursday, November 14th - Aria (Prospect); Nominee profiles must be received by September ·Treasurer Jack Martins and WNC Committee Member, obtained contact information for most of the City’s other neighborhood Associations, and has forwarded that to President Martinelli. Picnic Committeeformerly Chaired by Director Andy Sepe
The picnic is scheduled for August 11th, 2013 from noon to 6:00 p.m. (rain date August 18th). The Andy Nichols’ Big Band Sound will be performing. This 17-piece orchestra has been funded in part by the Musician’s Union and in part by a grant from the City of Waterbury. The following vendors have all donated funding, food and other goods: Town Plot IGA Supermarket, Monteiro’s Restaurant, Thomaston Savings Bank, Costco, BJ’s Wholesale Club, Coca-Cola Distributing, and Crystal Rock. Picnic volunteers include: WNC Committee Chair Elaine Dense, Director Ralph D’Angelo, Treasurer Jack Martins, and President Vincent Martinelli. 20130613 Safety CommitteeChaired by President Vincent E, Martinelli
®Community Police Officer Christopher Gagnon has been tasked with handling a much larger geographic area, until most of the recently-resigned police officers are replace. ®An attempt to work with a crime prevention organization in our area has been made by a local non-member resident. The Association is not involved in any way. ®President Martinelli witnessed a vehicle marked “Town Plot Security” driving through the neighborhood; he followed up in person with Police Chief Riddick, who was unaware of any such vehicle. Police Lieutenant Stevenson is aware of an initiative in another neighborhood, but said that any such activity would need to be sanctioned by the Police Department, and the volunteers would need to be appropriately trained – and neither has taken place. Community Police Officer Gagnon further stated that such individuals would serve only as witnesses, and will not have any authority to take any action. Until further notice, the vehicle and activities of its occupants are deemed as suspicious. However, the Police Department strongly suspects that the driver of the vehicle – which is presumed to be owned by the driver – is former Waterbury Police Officer, former Prospect Police Officer, and former Town Plot Neighborhood President Joseph Savoy. If so, it is still unclear as to why any such vehicle or activities would have existed without appropriate authority – since, as a former police officer in the City he would have known better - and why the Association was not informed – again, since he was once the President of the Association so he would have known better. President Martinelli advised Police Chief Riddick that, if endorsed by the Waterbury Police Department, he would encourage dialogue, and, perhaps, a presentation to Members. Community Police Officer Gagnon has attempted contact with Savoy on 4 separate occasions, without a response. Lieutenant Stevenson indicated that he will attempt to contact Savoy, and express our concerns that he first meet with the Board of Directors, and then make a presentation to the membership at an upcoming meeting – hopefully the June meeting – since it is the last meeting for the summer and since the keynote speaker is Police Chief Riddick. At last check, Savoy has not responded to Stevenson, Riddick, Gagnon, or to any member of the Association. The Board of Directors has serious concerns in this matter, but anticipates a productive and informative dialogue with the group involved, if in fact the group is sanctioned by the Police Department. ®REMINDER: Any issues which can be provided to the Safety Committee prior to the meeting should be forwarded to Committee Chair, and President Vincent E. Martinelli. Issues which are not presented in advance and which are not urgent, may not be addressed at the Member meeting. ®While speeding continues to be a serious problem throughout Town Plot, we have noticed some improvement, albeit inconsistent, in a few – only a few – of the areas where repeated offenses continue to plague the blatant disregard for the law. Community Police Officer Christopher Gagnon indicated that he has forwarded Association concerns – which were sent to him via email by President Martinelli – to several other Police Officials, including Lieutenant Stevenson and Chief Riddick. The Officer is anticipating a response. 20130613 |
Town Plot's Madeo
President's Report![]() Through the City of Waterbury’s Mayor’s Office, President Martinelli was invited to partake in a conference on Urban Violence. At least two other neighborhood associations, including the Historic Overlook Community Club, were represented. Alderman Brunelli, Alderman Hadley, Police Lieutenant Stevenson, Police Chief Riddick, Mayor O’Leary, and several other notables were on-hand for the NBC-televised session.
Governor Dannel Malloy was the keynote speaker. The Governor spoke about the several positive attributes of Waterbury’s involved citizens, and many of the reasons which he attributes to Waterbury’s low rate of violent crime. Among his reasons, Malloy attested that our strong commitment to, and active involvement in, our communities is the key that differentiates us from other cities. Waterbury also relies on its own crime laboratory, reducing results time from sometimes over a year to as little as a day in cities which rely on outside sources for laboratory results. Our efficient judicial process is touted as the best in the state, and that puts criminals behind bars quicker than any other community. The Governor also stated that there is a strong working relationship between Waterbury and the State, and between the State and Federal agencies. 20130613 Secretary's ReportThe Association is currently seeking a Secretary. Please contact any Board member for more information.
Absent of a Secretary, President Martinelli assembled all available contact information of City Officials and Departments, and has both an electronic and a printed version. He downloaded this information in April from Waterbury’s website. In late May, President Vincent E. Martinelli obtained similar information in person from the City of Waterbury, and is also maintaining a list. Therefore, the Association will be in a better position to help members contact the appropriate people if such a need arises. 20130613 Membership CommitteeChaired by the Board of Directors
A Membership drive is planned for September 7th and September 21st at Town Plot IGA Supermarket. The Association is currently requesting a $500 grant from the WNC to fund our Member Drive efforts. (See Treasurer Martins.) Director D’Angelo made new and brightly colored signs which are intended to be posted at various key locations just prior to our member meetings. Treasurer Martins, Directors D’Angelo and James-Ellerbee, and Member Annette (surname withheld) have posted the Member meeting announcement flyers at several neighborhood businesses. 20130613 Parks and RecreationChaired by Acting Director Vincent E. Martinelli
We are currently anticipating a response from the City and the Parks Department regarding the condition of each of our parks, and various requests for material such as wood chips. President Martinelli asked Chief of Staff Joe Geary to follow up on this while Geary was guest speaker at the May meeting; Geary agreed that he would look into this and get back to Martinelli. There has been no response from anyone regarding this matter. Despite Mayor Neil O’Leary’s affinity toward parks in general, and his outward support of having our parks maintained appropriately, all 3 of Town Plot’s parks remain in poor and unsafe condition. Yet another swing has been cut off and stolen from Town Plot Park. The wood chips in at least 6 play areas are several inches below the minimum safety requirement. The same issues which have been reported to the City, including the Parks Department, the Police Department, and the Mayor’s Office, 3 years ago, still exist today. These safety issues are now issues of negligence. Events CalendarSeptember 10th – TPNA Member Meeting
September 13th – CTFM Walk for Dyslexia September 23rd – WNC Confections October 8th – TPNA Member Meeting and ELECTIONS Important Contact DataPolice Emergency 911
Police Routine 203-574-6911 Crime Stoppers 203-755-1234 Refuse Department 203-574-6857 Dog Warden 203-574-6909 Public Works 203-574-6851 Mayor’s Office 203-574-6712 Tax Collector 203-574-6811 Fire Department 203-597-3460 Health Department 203-346-3906 Citizen’s Service Center 203-597-3444 Citizen’s Service Center 31120130613 Town Plot Neighborhood Association ContactsPresident Martinelli 203-759-5675
432 Como Avenue Treasurer Martins Membership Secretary Gualtieri Director D’Angelo Director Hanlon Director James-Ellerbee Other positions are or soon will be open; they include: Secretary, Deputy Treasurer, Sergeant-at-Arms, Duties Officer, and Directorships 20130613 Our Partners/SupportersThomaston Savings Bank
824 Highland Avenue (203) 756-1874 Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church 785 Highland Avenue (203) 756-8981 Monteiro’s Restaurant 161 Fairfield Avenue (203) 573-0645 Town Plot IGA Supermarket 286 Fairfield Avenue (203) 754-7817 Larry De Pillo Don Piombo The Masonic Lodge 531 Highland Avenue (203) 754-9539 20130613 WANTEDWe are seeking an individual who can volunteer 5 hours per month to attend Board and Member meetings, record them (typically via a recording device), and create meeting minutes. Word processor and email skills are required.
20130613 |
Town Plot Neighborhood Association Policy for Guest/Keynote Speakers:
The Town Plot Neighborhood Association, Inc. is a non-profit organization which does not condone nor facilitate personal motives, nor is it politically affiliated or motivated. Therefore, selling, promoting, or endorsing any specific product, service, political candidate, politician, elected official, appointed official, business, or business owner, for the purpose of personal gain or for the gain of any such person or entity, is strictly prohibited. Likewise, any act of twisting, and any act of competitor downing, is strictly prohibited. Dissemination of products, services, or information which is beneficial to the Association or its members, affiliates, partners, or guests, is not prohibited if such does not create a conflict of interest, impropriety, appearance of conflict of interest, or appearance of impropriety. Any act which is harmful, whether deliberate or inadvertent, to the Association, its members, affiliates, partners, or guests, is also strictly prohibited.