A, B, and C Neighbor-hoodsAbrigado
Alexander Althea Park Arlington Heights Berkeley Heights Berkeley Warren Park Blue Ridge Bouley Manor Break Neck Bristol Brooklyn Browns Meadow Bucks Hill Bunker Hill Bunker Hill North - see Newtown Heights Carabetta Clark District Colonial Gardens Country Club Country Club Wood Cracker Hill Crownbrook Neighborhood Housing Services of Waterbury (NHSW) Brief DescriptionAccording to their website, Neighborhood Housing Services of Waterbury (NHSW) has a mission to revitalize Waterbury via quality affordable housing, community initiatives, financial education, and self-sufficiency. NHSW is non-profit and HUD certified. NHSW serves low-to-moderate income individuals and families in Waterbury and other communities in western Connecticut. For a full and detailed description, visit their website at NHSW. |
To find out when the various neighborhood associations and other organizations meet, click here. Lists Here is an alphabetical list of Waterbury's 118 neighborhoods, past and current, and a list of neighborhoods by cultural, ethnic, and religious reputation. Organiz-ations ... including Associations, Clubs, Political Action Committees, Citizens' Patrols, and Other Neighborhood-Specific Service Organizations Service Organizations
The South End,