The Bunker Hill Neighborhood Association
Including the Bunker Hill Improvement Association
and the Bunker Hill Community Club
and the Bunker Hill Community Club
The Bunker Hill Neighborhood Association is NOT a neighborhood housing association, and it never has been, despite having this erroneous label on the City's official website. Also see related specifics below herein.
About the Bunker Hill Neighborhood Association (BHNA)The following outline is largely a blueprint by which many neighborhood associations and community clubs throughout the City of Waterbury generally partake. Not all features apply to the Bunker Hill Neighborhood Association.
MeetingsThe next meeting of the Bunker Hill Neighborhood Association, Inc. (BHNA) will be on Thursday, April 19th at 7:00pm at The Walnut Hill Community Church (across Bunker Hill Park), 274 Bunker Hill Avenue.
Bunker Hill neighborhood Community Police Officer, Chris Gagnon, will be in attendance. Guest Speakers include:
All Bunker Hill area residents are invited to attend and participate. Bunker Hill Neighborhood Association Contact DataRobert Dorr - Pres.
96 Windsor St. Waterbury CT 06704 (203) 437-7960 cell [data per as of 2024.03.01] NewsEvents
ArchivesThe Second Generation: Bunker Hill Neighborhood Association Forum (
Friday, October 23rd, 2009 Bunker Hill Park: Brownfield Success
US EPA July 14th, 2003 AnnouncementsPurpose"The Bunker Hill Neighborhood Association exists for the purpose to promote the community and discuss matters pertaining directly to the neighborhood." - according to Wiki Archived Meetings
Archived Events
In April of 1933, the Bunker Hill Improvement Association was credited for acquiring a tract of land, via a lease, for the purpose of beautifying the Bunker Hill neighborhood with a park. That land is now known as Scholfield Park, including the Bunker Hill Playground. By July, the Bunker Hill Improvement Association also sponsored their annual Independence Day Celebration at that park. 1933 was also the first-known presentation of free concerts in the Bunker Hill Neighborhood, which were arranged by the Bunker Hill Men's League Band. The Bunker Hill Improvement Association held the first ever NRA rally in Waterbury, held at the Bunker Hill Church. Old Archived NewsChristmas Tree Services
![]() Youth Dance
![]() Bunker Hill Neighborhood Association City InfluenceMarch 31st, 1931
Bunker Hill Neighborhood Association (BHNA) President C.W. Schader opposed residents of Aurora Street, in Bunker Hill, and spoke in favor of the Bunker Hill Neighborhood Association (BHNA) members, none of whom had any property interests on Aurora Street, at a meeting with the City Board of [public] Works, during a discussion of proposed improvements to Aurora Street. 1917-1934
The Bunker Hill Improvement Association (BHIA) had been instrumental in the establishment of what the locals here now call Bunker Hill Park. The BHIA worked from 1917 through 1932 before they finally secured the required land in 1933. However, the 4-year leased land required much work, and the park, with 500 feet of Bunker Hill Avenue frontage, wouldn't open until the 4th of July in 1934. A treasured feature of the park, at that time, was a grand White Oak tree that boasted a 4' diameter. A small pond, and 4 terraces of hillside which abutted an untouched woods, along with it's location made the park an ideal recreation and play area. The land which was leased to BHIA was owned by the Macauley family, and is located opposite Newton Terrace. August 17, 1933
The BHIA hosted the first-ever NRA meeting in Waterbury. |