Saturday, August 17, 1935; Annual Semi-Formal Ball
Thursday, June 4th, 1936; member meeting
Thursday, July 2nd, 1936; member meeting
Saturday, December 11th, 1943; Mortgage Burning Party
Monday, December 14th, 1936: member meeting focussed on public bus services cuts
Saturday, July 10th, 1937: Annual Outing
Sunday, April 17th, 1938; Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday, February 12th, 1944: Valentine's Day Party
Saturday, November 2nd, 1940: Yale Bowl Footbal Game Outing (at Yale University)
Tuesday, February 15th, 1944: Installation of Officers
Tuesday, May 9th, 1944; Sports and Athletics Committee Bowling Banquet
Saturday, May 13th, 1944; Miscellaneous Auction
Description of the Platts Mills Community Club, Inc.
Founded in 1933 by: Charles B. Durbin, Luther W. Tooker, Walter H. Roberts, Gustave Metz, W. W. Baker and Frank Baker
Management of the Platts Mills Community Club, Inc.
Charles B. Durbin, 1933-1934
Luther W. Tooker, 1934 - 1935
W.J. Richards, 1935 - 1936
Gustave Metz, 1936 - 1938
Harry G. McLean, 1939 - 1943
Pierre Pronovost; 1943
Recording Secretary
Mrs. George Parkin; 1943
Correspondence Secretary
Mr. Henry Curtis; 1943
Deputy Treasurer
Deputy Sargeant-at-Arms
Board of Directors
1943: Louts Brown, Mrs. George Shea, Walter Roberts, Luther Tooker and Charles Durbin
Board of Trustees
Board of Advisors
William Henry Bristol Memorial Committee
Civics and Community Envolvement Committee
Old-Timers Committee
Public Relations Committee
Performs as the "face" of the Platts Mills Community Club, Inc.
Ensures that the appropriate messaging is conveyed appropriately to the public and to public, private, and partnering organizations.
Communications Committee
Ensures that members, internal committees, the board of directors, and the officers have an appropriate means of communication between and betwixt each other.
Beautification Committee
Provides for the guidelines to define beautification within the Platts Mills Community Club, Inc. territory.
Manages the implementation of authorized beautification projects with the Platts Mills Community Club, Inc. parameters.
Acts as a liaison to external groups, as authorized, with external organizations.
Fundraising Committee
Define the fundraising activities of the Platts Mills Community Club, Inc..
Manages the implementation of Platts Mills Community Club, Inc. fundraising activities.
Safety Committee
Membership Committee
Welcoming Committee
Welcomes new Platts Mills Community Club, Inc. members.
Introduces new members to other members of the Platts Mills Community Club, Inc..
Onboards new members so that each new member understands the nuances of the Platts Mills Community Club, Inc., and the responsibilities of each member.
Ethics Committee
Outlines appropriate and necessary behavior of all members who are acting as representation of the Platts Mills Community Club, Inc..
Provides a safe and secret line of communication for members to file appropriate complaints.
Endeavors to resolve any ethics violations and complaints.
Processes complaints in a timely, professional, respectful, and private manner.
By-Laws Committee
Is responsible for providing the by-laws, in print or digital fashion, to all new members.
Maintains a current and validated copy of the by-laws.
Reviews the by-laws annually for appropriateness.
Provides recommendations to the Board of Directors for further action and implementation.
Hospitality Committee
Social Activities and Events Committee
Members in 1935: Luther Tooker, chairman, Mrs. Luther Tooker, Mrs. Oscar Sedln, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Burnett, Edith Aidrich, Mrs. William Dessereault, Chester Roberts, Charles Petitjean, Lester Lattlmer and Harry Oemoke
Members 1938: : Mrs. Robert Sheldon, Mr. and Mrs. John Dillon, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lattimer, Mrs. Pitch Doolittle, Mrs. William Dessereault, Mrs. Horace Baker Miss Olive Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Ranney, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stauffer, Clifford Stewart and Paul Pronovost
Sports and Athletics Committee
Master of Ceromonies 1944: Pierre Pronovost
The Platts Mills Community Association, Inc. is known to have been active in a community basketball league, and in a community softball league.
Children's Youth Engagement Committee
Guidance Committee
Nominations Committee
History of the Platts Mills Community Club, Inc. / Platts Mills Community Association, Inc.
Other Names for the Platts Mills Community Club, Inc.
Platts Mills Community Association, Inc.
Significant Structures
Platts Mills Bridge; dedicated by the Platts Mills Community Club in 1933
Business Plan for the Platts Mills Community Club, Inc.
Purpose of the Platts Mills Community Club, Inc.
Vision of the Platts Mills Community Club, Inc.
Mission of the Platts Mills Community Club, Inc.
By Laws of the Platts Mills Community Club, Inc.
Partnerships of the Platts Mills Community Club, Inc.
Sponsors and Benefactors of the Platts Mills Community Club, Inc.
Events that are sponsored by the Platts Mills Community Club, Inc.
See "Meetings and Events of the Platts Mills Community Club" article herein
Platts Mills Community Club, Inc. Citizen's Patrol
Contact the Platts Mills Community Club, Inc.
Supporting and Related Links
Social Media Page
Social Media Group
Dedicated Website page
Howard H. Bristol is the brother of the famed engineer, inventor, and movie maker William Henry Bristol.
The Bristol name is a colonial one, is still a common name in the area today, and may share roots with the now City of Bristol.
Waterburty Evening Democrat; Saturday, December 11th, 1943
Harry G. McLean was the President of the Platts Mills Community Association, Inc. from 1939 to at least 1943.
Waterbury Evening Democrat; Saturday, December 11th, 1943
Pierre Pronovost was the Vice-President of the Platts Mills Community Association, Inc. in 1943
The Pronovost name is well-known to historians, and is still a common name in the Platts Mills and nearby neighborhoods.
Waterbury Evening Democrat; Friday, October 30th, 1936
More on the History of the Platts Mills Community Association, Inc.
Waterbury Evening Democrat; Saturday, December 11th, 1943
PLATTS MILLS PLAN PROGRAM Memorial to Professor William Bristol Outlined
Last Night Plans for the memorial to Professor William H. Bristol were discussed by the Platts Mills Community Club, Inc., at the monthly meeting last evening in the Bristol company studio, presided over by President William J. Richards.
The birthday of Professor Bristol will be July 5, so the club expects to sponsor their memorial program very near that date. A committee meeting to further plans will be held next Monday evening.
The monthly program sponsored by the children under the chairmanship of Mrs. Oscar Wedln was discussed.
The annual outing of the club will probably be held the latter part of July under the auspices of the social activities committee. It was reported the athletic committee was functioning to perfection, several twilight baseball games having already been played by the Platts Mills team with outside competition. The members are planning an Old-Timers program and horseshoe pitching contests. The civic committee, of which Luther Tooker is chairman, announced they are investigating several community improvements.
The next meeting of the club will be held the first Thursday in July.
Waterbury Evening Democrat, July 12th, 1937
Waterbury Evening Democrat; April 23rd, 1937
Waterbury Evening Democrat; November 12th, 1935
Waterbury Evening Democrat; Saturday, August 16th, 1938
Mortgage Burning Party
A mortgage taken on four parcels of land owned by the Platts Mills Community Club will be burned at special ceremonies to be held December 11 at the clubhouse. Mrs. Ralph Lattimer will be in charge of the program. Committee members include: Mr. and Mrs. Luther Tooker, Mr. and Mrs. James Silvernale, Mrs. Louis Braun, Sr., Mrs. Louis Braun, Jr., Mrs. Charles Durbin, Robert and Ralph Latimer, and Harry McLean.
Waterbury Evening Democrat; Friday, December 3rd, 1943